Liston Abramson has the experience, skills, and contacts needed to locate stolen or hidden assets and lawfully repatriate them. We do so by utilizing a number of legal avenues to identify the current whereabouts of assets, and the mechanisms used to conceal them.
- We work through U.S. and foreign courts to obtain injunctions and other orders to effectively locate, freeze, and repatriate assets to their rightful owners.
- We work closely with top attorneys in jurisdictions where assets are frequently hidden; these attorneys have extensive knowledge regarding confidentiality and banking secrecy laws.
- We partner with private investigators who are skilled in locating assets and related information in the U.S. and abroad, and who have worked with us to pierce the complex asset protection schemes sometimes used to hide assets from creditors.
- We are adept in seeking discovery in the U.S. in aid of foreign proceedings, including those related to the enforcement of foreign judgments.
- We develop and implement cross-border strategies to identify and collect assets, to protect estates and assets from dissipation, and to resolve jurisdictional disputes. These strategies save our international insolvency clients significant time and cost.
- We assist receivers and liquidators in recovering funds through litigation and negotiation, representing them in suits against corporate insiders, auditors, bankers, and attorneys and recovering funds lost through theft, breach of fiduciary duty, malpractice, and fraud.